You are all probably wondering, “What is Kovember?” Kovember is actually just like Movember, but, in Harlan it was renamed after Mr. Kohorst. Kovember is to honor men and support and bring awareness to men’s health, specifically cancer, such as prostate and testicular.
NHS (National Honor Society) and HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) are hosting Kovember activities from November 7-December 7, including the girls and boys Blue Out basketball games. All proceeds through our Kovember activities, Blue Out, and other funds earmarked through the American Cancer Society for men’s cancer.
Growing mustaches and beards are part of the Kovember celebration. Many male students in the high school and adults have been growing beards and mustaches for Kovember. Teachers that are participating have their students donate money towards cancer.
Men have 1 out of 2 chances developing some form of cancer, where women have a 1 out of 3 chance.
So all of you men, get out there and grow a beard, to raise awareness!
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